Monday, January 25, 2010

week 10 the end........

Hello Everyone,
Well this is the last week. We made it to the end, I'm surprised with the grades i ended up with , but very happy. This class has been really great and informative and i have learned alot. Hopefully this will help when I'm working on papers in up coming classes . I'm sure there will be more. Well I need to get busy kids are coming home for school and they think they are starving.Good luck everyone with whatever you have chosen to do!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

week 9.........the end

Well here we are we've made it to the end. Both my papers are done and submitted.Although I didn't think i was going to get them done. Every time i think I'm done i find or think of something else that needed to be done. Now comes the time to just wait for the grade. I have to say i am a bit nervous, and tired. I'm just sure i had to have done something wrong, or there is something else i should have said. I have enjoyed the class this term, even though i still can't say that writing is one of my favorite things to do. I don't know i may start writing on here daily and maybe get the hang of writing. Well that's all for now i need to take a break and get kids headed to bed.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week 8........

It's hard to believe this term is about to end. It has really gone by fast. The cold weather and snow really need to go away, i think we've had enough for this winter. (LOL) Will I keep my blog when this is over.? Yes i think i might, but I'm also thinking of starting a new one just to write my life story, which is something i have been wanting to do. Then maybe i could share it with people who are going threw what I have been threw. It's not been an easy life, but I wouldn't change a thing, wait yes i would. Sorry. But if there had been someone around to help me threw some of the really tough times , i think i would have been very grateful. I am very proud of my self for going back to school and for doing as well as i am. Especially at my age. Didn't know i had it in me. I really enjoy the interaction with the other students and the professors. I'm actually thinking of continuing my education even further. I figure as long as i have kids around I better try to keep up with the time.Well I'm done for now got to get back to my paper.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Week 7 blog

Hello classmates.
This has been a busy vacation.....if you could call it that. I've been working on my paper.I'm not sure how it's going to turn out but hopefully it will be all good.I'm not sure about this peer review stuff . It's hard for me to really say anything about someone Else's paper. I think they all look pretty good. Although i do like getting the peer reviews because it helps me to see if I'm at least on the right track. I'm not sure what it means to link to someone Else's blog and go with there idea so I've decided not to try it for now.Well that's all for now .

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Week 6

Oh my another week has gone by. I'm here to tell you there is not enough time in a week for me'm voting to add a few more hours to each day..
I did get my paper done and submitted. I'm not real sure i like the way it reads. My son-in-law looked it over and thought it was fine. But we will see. This week has been a busy one. School having 2 papers due. The kids all needing gifts for school , and everyone getting excited about Christmas. I myself can't wait till it's over. Made homemade rolls and peperoni rolls today, going to start making cookies and pies tomorrow. Oh yes I forgot Carmel corn to.....yummy. Well that's it for today HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL !!!!

Week 6

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ok this is week 5

This is week five and so far i haven't been able to get this right. I'm going to try again.Thank goodness I'm not a quitter. I will do this some this hasn't poster right since i started I'm going to kind of give it all at once and see what happens. My name is Cindy ,I'm 47 years old. I had 3 beautiful daughters of my own, 2 have passed on . Michelle my daughter living has a great son who is now 6. I am a Foster Parent of 20 years. I love kids , they are my life. I have adopted 4, and have 2 foster children that have been with me on and off for the last 11 years. (The system has screwed them).I have worked different jobs but the one i liked the most of course is in the nursing home. Any thing to do with the medical Field fascinates me. I choose for my topic Hospice and Children. Hospice has a special place in my heart. They were with me when I lost my first Daughter Missy. I don't know what I would have done without them. How do I feel about my online schooling......Well I can say it has been a challenge, which is good. Some of it has been much harder then i would have expected, but i have made it this far. Lot's of work. The Math class is one that i probably would have benefited more in a live classroom. But I did manage to pass it. So all Is good. Well I have a little 6 year old telling me it's time to fix her some supper. so I'm going to stop for now.Hope this works